Why is Land Conservation Important to Kentuckians?

Kentucky has a rich history and identity that is tied to our natural landscape and that landscape is important to who we are. We have some of the region’s, and the country’s, richest soils and most vital watersheds. We have stunning waterways, forests, and farmlands. We cannot continue to take them for granted. Conservation organizations, like Bluegrass Land Conservancy, work to implement measures to ensure that these lands that we love will always be there.

Land conservation strengthens local communities and helps to secure access to critical public benefits provided by natural and working lands, such as clean water and air, habitat for plants and animals, outdoor recreation, and healthy, local food.

After all, what would the Bluegrass Region be without its rolling hills and rich agricultural lands? Where would Kentucky be without its scenic woodlands and waterways?

Do you love your land deeply? Is it part of your family, your heritage, and your community’s rural character?

Is the thought of watching your farm become developed after you sell it, or pass it down to a family member, an unsettling vision? Perhaps you want to make sure that local food, wildlife habitat, clean water, and wide-open views have a place in history — right here in Bluegrass Country.

You can ensure that your family — and future families — can enjoy farming and your love of the land. Whether you enjoy hiking, hunting, fishing, raising livestock or horses, or growing produce, you have a chance to make sure your land isn’t destroyed by sprawling development.

Farmland conservation provides peace of mind knowing that you have taken steps to ensure a way of life for generations to come. If you would like to learn more about your land conservation options, please click HERE to read our Landowner’s Guide on our website.

All conversations are confidential to preserve your family’s privacy.

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